For generations, Logan residents have breathed some of the most polluted air in CA. Air pollution causes cancer and damages our lungs, making conditions like asthma worse. The City of San Diego has a long history of racist rules that allow businesses to release dangerous fumes right next to homes, schools, and doctor’s offices in this primarily Mexican-American community. Can you imagine this in Coronado?
Polluters have no place next to homes, schools, and doctor’s offices. The City of San Diego is working on Homes for All of Us: Housing Action Package (HAP 2.0) to create a new set of policies (rules). HAP 2.0 makes some improvements, but falls short of real change.
That is why we’re asking City Council to take this opportunity to reverse racist policies by voting to:
- Stop All Polluters: Expand the “harmful use” label to include ALL polluting activities and businesses, not just recycling plants and heavy industrial operations
- Keep Polluters 1,000 ft. Away: Expand the “harmful use” label to include polluting businesses within 1,000 feet from homes (instead of 50 feet), and include all other locations, like schools, parks, and doctor’s offices.
- Remove Polluters: Make current polluting businesses move out of Logan after 7 years, instead of 15 years.
Together we can reclaim our community! Polluters fuera! You can help get these toxic businesses out of your neighborhood by emailing City Council.
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