Children are very vulnerable to lead poisoning. Any exposure they have to it can be harmful, causing developmental and behavioral challenges.
The U.S. government banned lead-based paint in 1978. However, paint companies were aware of the dangers it posed for years before and they continued to sell and market it. Although lead paint has been off the market for more than 40 years, it remains in many old homes and continues to poison children.
10 municipalities, including the City of San Diego, sued large paint companies for selling lead paint when they knew it was harmful. After a 16 year legal battle, a landmark settlement was reached. With funds from this settlement, the City of San Diego is developing the San Diego Lead Abatement Residential Program. Partnering with EHC, this program will work to remove lead hazards from San Diego homes. EHC will work with the City to provide public education and outreach; establish a lead poisoning prevention and referral network, conduct 715 lead prevention home visits, and help families qualify for lead removal in their homes.